For Teachers

For Language Teachers at the University of Sydney:

Confused about what you can / can’t use in class (in terms of multimedia)?  Here’s some info that might help:

Screenrights licence

Australia – All Australian universities, TAFEs, government schools and almost all other schools are licensed by Screenrights allowing them to copy whatever they want from television and radio.

New Zealand – Screenrights agreements with New Zealand educational institutions give schools, universities and polytechnics, colleges and Wananga a comprehensive right to tape programmes from television and radio in exchange for the payment of an annual fee.

For more information about copyright, contact the Language Librarian at ad.selfstudy[at]

You can copy as much as you like

The Screenrights licence is versatile and flexible – you can…

  1. Copy any program anytime, anywhere
  2. Copy entire programs or excerpts
  3. Make copies of copies
  4. Show tapes in class or the library
  5. Keep copies as resources in your library
  6. Make up compilation tapes of material you have copied
  7. Copy in any format – VHS, DVD, PVR, HDD etc
  8. Copy anything on free-to-air TV, pay-TV, Radio
  9. Email copies to students or make them available online for students or staff
  10. Broadcast copies within your institution
  11. Use your video reticulation system (such as Clickview and DVC’s Video Commander) to show copied programs
  12. Copy programs from home (applies to teachers and students) on behalf of your educational institution
  13. Make the copy available on your intranet (as long as it’s secure so only your students and staff can view it).

The only requirements are that you have a Screenrights licence (The University of Sydney has already obtained this), that the copy is made for the educational purposes of the institution, and that it is labelled.

Source: EnhanceTV 

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